The Apollo PTA have proudly teamed up with Squak Mt. Nursery in Issaquah to sell 6.5” POINSETTIAS (RED, WHITE, or SHADES OF PINK) for $17 and 24” FRESH MIXED NOBLE WREATHS for $27 Proceeds from all orders will go towards Apollo PTA fundraising; This is a great way to support a local business, our school and check one thing off your holiday to-do list! When thinking of your holiday decorating, please consider ordering your wreaths and poinsettia from Apollo PTA. The shop opens from NOW to November 3rd, NOON PTA Members/Have an account: Order HERE. Guest/Don't have account: Order HERE. Pick-up Date: November 29th Families who have purchased the Wreaths and poinsettia will be contacted by email with the pick-up details regarding location and time. Questions about wreath/poinsettia fundraising or want to volunteer? Please email sales@apollopta.org.